KING ARTHUR BAKING CO. — Engagement Initiative
Design Objective: With the pandemic we experienced an increase in people baking at home. Baking provided not only comfort but also an activity they could do at home with family. Once things started to return to a pre-pandemic, busy pace, our aim was to give people a way to enjoy baking bread even during a hectic week by creating recipes that allow some flexibility and providing tips for making delicious, beautiful, extraordinary breads, even on weeknights! The direction we took was to evoke the feeling of arriving home after running errands, working all day, or stopping at the market, and still being able to have fresh bread or pizza ready for dinner. View moodboard
Creative Direction: Alana Park
Art Direction: Alana Park
Photography: Rick Holbrook
Food Styling: Kaitlyn Wayne
Prop Sourcing/Styling: Alana Park